Enter your email address below.
Password information can only be sent to the email in your profile.
If you no longer have access to that email, email our Technical Support staff: support (at) tscdispatch.com to request a password reset.
Logging into the site for the first time
- If this is the first time logging onto the site and would like to set yourself up as a new user sign up here
Having Problems?
- I have completed the online sign up form and submitted it, but haven't received my password.
All confirmations for online registrations are sent to the email address used. If you provided a valid email address, check your email in a few minutes after registration.
If you have waited a reasonable amount of time and have not received a confirmation email, please email Technical Support: support (at) tscdispatch.com for further assistance. - I have completed the sign up form and received my password, but I'm still experiencing problems logging on.
Please email our Technical Support staff: support (at) tscdispatch.com for further assistance.